New Business Success | Digital Services

Business Training for Entrepreneurs 

Business training that provides you with the skills needed to create, and maintain your business in today's digital world.

Online Training Programs for Your Success

Discover Top Online Training Programs Today

We listen to you, But more importantly, ..we understand you; and help you to get started in the most successful way possible!

Business training, taught in small sessions to enable you to gain the skills needed for a successful start.

This is a service that takes each client through the strategising, creation, and branding, of the start-up stages

New Business Success | Digital Services

Perfect for Business Training
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Business Website Design & Creation Training

Business Social Media
Marketing Training
Business Search Engine
Marketing Training

General Business IT Training

Business Training Package

Below you will find the features that will be trained out for your successful business start-up, that you can maintain yourself.

Online training programs for skill development and success.

Business Strategising

Helping you to refine the process of building a new business with clearly defined stages that will be needed to get your business off to a great start.

Online training programs for skill development and success.

Google Ads Registration

Walking you through the process of creating a 'Google Ads advertising account that will enable your new brand to get awareness and visits as quickly as possible.

Online training programs for skill development and success.

Business Website Registration

We will walk you through 3 options for the registration of your website domain name and hosting storage space options, so that you can make the best decision for your particular business.

Online training programs for skill development and success.

Social Media Registration

Waling you through the process and strategy behind 'Social Media' marketing and branding to further help your advertising to create interaction and leads with your products/services.

Online training programs for skill development and success.

Business Wesite Design

Walking you through the usage of three platforms for creating your website design that will be used to represent your new business.

Online training programs for skill development and success.

 Scheduling Registrstion

Walking you through the process of helping you to automate the posting of social media 'branding' content to further assist in the execution of your marketing strategy.

Why Choose Us?

In Short:

  • Brand awareness provides you with tools to acquire the customers/clients/users that you are looking for, to help meet their needs.

  • Traffic to your website, within 7 days of you uploading your initial website and driving this traffic through social media.

  • The ability, through (with our help) your digital marketing activity, to turn 'Leads' into visitors to your site and the increased potential of sales.

  • We understand, how to do that thing called S.E.O. so 'Google' will love you.

  • We understand the emotions that need to be addressed for your particular product to get your potential customers/clients to care enough to take action.

What Our Customers Have To Say


Quality Services To Get Your New Business Online

From the moment you engage with us, we will ensure that we will remain in close contact with clearly defined steps for your specific ONLINE business needs. A clear TIMELINE of your online journey will enable you to be assured that your success online will be given the best start.

Appointment Booking 

Please use the form on the right to book your 30 minutes appointment, to get yourself off to a great start. (* Required)

(Or please use the 'Chat' feature in the 'bottom-right hand corner )